Author Archive

Akar Mahoni (Mahogany Root)

Akar Mahoni (Mahogany Root)
Wukir Suryadi (with Pia Van Gelder, Michael Candy, Lintang Radittya, Andreas Siagian. Assisted by Ikbal S. Lubys) Akar Mahoni (Mahogany Root), 2013 mahogany root, leather straps, theremins, synths,, various guitar partsĀ  A multifaceted instrument carved out of a single mahogany tree root incorporating leather straps that produce bass tones), a moveable guitar neck, optical and...

MOS (Mountain Operated Synthesizer)

MOS (Mountain Operated Synthesizer)
Michael Candy, Pia Van Gelder, Andreas Siagian MOS (Mountain Operated Synthesizer), 2013 electronics, flags, bamboo, cotton, solar unit, earth terminal, tilt sensors, moisture sensors, speakers This work is installed at Base Camp 2 near the peak of Mount Merapi, Yoygyakarta with documentation, notes and prototypes presented at ICAN. On Merapi, three flags, with sensor devices...

Ardi & Joel Play the String Instrument

Ardi & Joel Play the String Instrument
Ardi Gunwan and Joel Stern play Ardi's Spatial String instrument testing its limitations and its sounds.

Dylan, Asep & Wukir Plough Drum Machine

Dylan, Asep & Wukir Plough Drum Machine
An old Javanese plough that Wukir brought into the workshop was worked on by Dylan and Asep and resulted in a robotic percussive drum machine.

Workshop Diary #4 – Announcements

Workshop Diary #4 - Announcements
So much has been happening at the Instrument Builders Workshop at iCAN.. Coming soon we'll be presenting half-term reports on all the works being developed here as a series of short video portraits.

Catatan Workshop #2

Catatan Workshop #2
Pasa sesi penutup kemarin Rod Cooper mengeluarkan salah satu gitar buatannya dan memainkan salah lagu dari koleksi lagu blues putus asa Melbourne. Sungguh menghibur dan bikin putus asa.

Total ‘Woh’: Mount Merapi

Total 'Woh': Mount Merapi
During the early week, as a starting point I had been working on creating a small oscillator leaving its modulation inputs open for some form of external control.

Catatan Workshop #1

Catatan Workshop #1
Banyak kegiatan and suara bising memenuhi ruang workshop di iCAN. Asep Nata membuat semua orang bingung dengan karyanya--dia membuat lonceng sapi dari logam tong. Bentuknya terlihat menarik, begitu pun suaranya, yang menghasilkan 3 nada berbeda.

Workshop Diary #3 – Artist Talks

Workshop Diary #3 - Artist Talks
Today at Instrument Builders Project, the participating artists gave short (well, actually, some were pretty long) presentations on their work, approach and key ideas. It was an important exercise in thinking through the form that the collaborations and works will take.

Workshop Diary #2

Workshop Diary #2
At the end of yesterday's session Rod Cooper pulled out one of his home-made guitars and ran through his songbook of desperate-man Melbourne blues. Very entertaining and suitably desperate.