Author Archive
A model for mass and explosion
Jompet Kuswidananto A model for mass and explosion, 2014 hands, saw, knife, motors, mosquito zapper Two pairs of hanging plaster hands extending from steel saws enact a silent clapping beat as electrical sparks intermittently zap.
A studio For machine and gamelan
Jompet Kuswidananto A studio For machine and gamelan, 2014 motor, gendèr bars, wires, metal frame
Auto Gendèr
Mas Bowo Auto Gendèr, 2014 gendèr bars, resonators, motorised gambang striker, sensor devise, metal frame. A motorised frame containing four wooden resonators and gamelan bars spins erratically as a mechanical striker hits and misses the mark.
Dale Gorfinkel, Peter Blamey Swayamvara, 2014 projector, shadow puppet, kropek container, motors, solar panels, amplifier
Savage Pencil
Jompet Kuswidananto, Peter Blamey, Dale Gorfinkel Savage Pencil, 2014 mosquito zapper, desk, pencil, sheet metal
between two trees, between two ears
(By Caitlin Franzmann) One of the folklores identified with the Alun Alun Kidul is masangin, the ritual of walking through the twin banyan trees blindfolded. It is believed that those having pure hearts can walk directly through the two sacred trees...
Lotek Exercise Machine
Dale Gorfinkel, Lotek Exercise Machine, 2014 taps, foot bellows, metal frame, balloon, plastic tubes, funnels, reeds A bellow powered exercise cage becomes the site for a personalised sonic encounter with airflows, valves, tubes and balloons.
Motherboard Tree
Peter Blamey Motherboard Tree, 2014 motherboards, rattan, copper wire, amplifiers. An amalgam of the synthetic and organic, constructed trees sprouting motherboard branches covered in veins of connective copper wire.